2024 Sasol and D8 leagues winners


Baie geluk aan al die hokkiespeelsters met ‘n suksesvolle hokkieseisoen.
Congratulations to the u/13A, u/13B and u/11A teams who won both the Sasol and the D8 leagues. 
Ons is ongelooflik trots op elkeen wat hulle beste gegee het hierdie seisoen!

Joomla Gallery makes it better. Balbooa.com


2024 Pietie Coetzee Hokkietoernooi


2024 Northern Free State Hockey Team

Congratulations to the following girls who were chosen for the Northern Free State teams:
U/12 - Daniella Banutelo, Mieke Jv Rensburg, Bonga Ngwenya, Tiné Loggenberg and Hanri MacPherson.
U/13B - Lize vd Heever and Shiloh-Lee Stelfox.
U/13A - Anshe de Jager and Thembi Mtimkulu.
Ons is baie trots op julle en weet dat julle Vaalpark se naam sal hoog hou!
Good luck for the Northern Free State hockey season!